
Jogo Gratuito Steam: Zimbo

Jogo: Zimbo
Plataforma: Steam
Giveaway/Passatempo: Leva-me para o giveaway!
Requisitos: Conta no gamehag (regista-te aqui para me dares o referral https://gamehag.com/r/407144 obrigado!), instalar App e realizar tarefas.

Acerca deste jogo:

You will play as Zimbo in an action/adventure/platformer/runner that will push you to the brink with a challenge worthy of the old school.
But who is Zimbo...?
A world-renowned, legendary hero with a career of success in some of the most dangerous and critical missions the world has seen...
That's the man the world knows...but I know Zimbo...and there's a story to be told to find out how the scrawny, meek Mike I knew became the "Amazing" Zimbo...
....I'm going to make him tell that story and you are going to help me.

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